Update 12/17/19
We have added a Last Chance Table some of the items are listed here online and some are 1 of a kind and can only be seen in the store.
Update 11/05/19 Added a few Jinny Beyers Color Palette.
Wholly cow, we have added over 100 bolts of mostly Stonehenge to the Sale Room and we have lowered the price to $5.99 per yard. Minimum 1 yard cuts please.
Starting June 18, 2019 we are going to start the Reward Program spend $400.00 and get $25.00 Gift Certificate.
This will include Quilting Services and Online Purchases
For anyone that has found your way to this Blog, let me say that I'm pretty much having a love/hate relationship with Facebook. Way back in 2013 I started a Facebook page for Quilting Around, but for whatever reason I decided to stop posting to it. But in a way to try and relaunch the Quilting Around brand I thought I would start posting again, well when I try to log in it keeps asking for an "ID Verification" so I've sent my ID several times, yet I get no response and to add insult, I've researched and guess what Facebook DOES NOT HAVE A CUSTOMER SUPPORT PHONE NUMBER. Are you kidding me ??? A billion dollar company and it doesn't have a customer support phone. And trust me if you try to google and find a phone number it is fake and a scam. So long story short at this time yes there is a Quilting Around Facebook page, BUT I have no control over it and can not post or anything and further more since I can not log in, I can not delete the page either and start over.
Stop by the store during the week of 12/17/2019- 12/21/2019 and get a FREE Fat Quarter if your name is :
Sharla, Hughleen, Cle Juan, Minda or Wanell